

peter altenberg


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
December 1986 Bachelor of Arts in Music


QuarkXPress, PageMaker, FrameMaker, LaTeX,
Illustrator, Photoshop, Fontographer, Mathematica, MathType,
Dreamweaver, GoLive, Flash, Fireworks, ImageReady


altenbergworks, San Francisco, CA
Founder, 8/90–present

  • Graphic design, typesetting, illustration, and animation freelance business. Clients include: Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, Academic Press, John Wiley & Sons, Springer-Verlag, Miller Freeman Publications, MacWeek, SunWorld, New Media.

Miller Freeman Publications, San Francisco, CA
Production Editor/Art Director, 1/92-1/97

  • Production editor for The Mathematica Journal; responsibilities include production of a quarterly publication produced with QuarkXPress, Illustrator, Photoshop, MathType and TeX on Macintosh Computers.

Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, IL
Production Artist, 5/89–10/90

  • Designed and produced software manuals for Mathematica; created technical illustrations for manuals, newsletters, and ads; completed mechanicals; designed icons for the Macintosh, MS-Windows, and NeXT; produced Mathematica graphics for Mathematica book, packaging, advertisements, and brochures; and provided technical support for Macintosh software.

Publication Services, Inc., Champaign, IL
Illustrator, 10/88–5/89

  • Drew technical illustrations for college text books using Adobe Illustrator. Designed fonts. Typeset textbook pages and designed textbook covers.

LaserType, Inc., Champaign, IL
Production Artist, 7/88–10/88

  • Produced computer generated graphics and layouts for flyers, forms, newsletters, and resumes; provided technical support for Macintosh users.

Lanzhou University, Peoples Republic of China
English Teacher, 9/87–1/88

  • English teacher at Lanzhou University.